Partners and Supporters

AUSTSWIM Partner and Supporters

As a not-for-profit organisation, AUSTSWIM can only continue to do such important work through the generosity of our partners and supporters. We thank them for their ongoing support and confidence in what we do.
With your support, we are able to provide the best educational and development opportunities to communities across Australia and beyond. We will continue to educate swimming teachers, giving them all the skills necessary to make a safer Australia.
AUSTSWIM Partner Logo

Becoming a Partner or Supporter

For over 40 years, AUSTSWIM has provided quality education programs across Australia and internationally. AUSTSWIM Teachers provide their students with one of life’s most important skills and assist in reducing the risk of drowning, as well as the impact of aquatic accidents. By becoming a partner or supporter, you will allow us to continue this important work. Partners of AUSTSWIM have the unique opportunity to have a direct channel with teachers, swim centres, local government representatives and educational bodies.
If you are interested in supporting AUSTSWIM through sponsorship, product support or community support, please fill out our online contact form and we will be in touch.

Government Partners

Australian Government Logo
New South Wales Government Logo
South Australia Government Office of recreation, Sport and Racing Logo

Department of Education

Queensland Government Logo
Government of Sout australia department for education logo
government of western australia department of education logo
Northern territory government department of education logo
tasmanian government department of education logo


surf life saving logo
Royal life saving australia logo
Swimming Australia Logo
Water safety new zealand logo

Industry Partners

belgravia leisure logo
world wide swim school logo
Australian water safety council logo

Preferred Partners

Sportspeople Logo
Insurance made easy logo
para mobility logo
waterlink logo
Commercial Pool systems logo

Project Partners

Allianz Logo
Masters Logo